Sailboat Rudder Repair

This rudder repair turned out to be quite a long process, but after years of fighting with the water problem I hope the end result will be worth while.

The C&C rudder has a stainless stock welded to a carbon steel interior rudder spade.

 If you're in need of a sailboat rudder repair, contact Danforth Yachts.  I'll need size of rudder, type of damage, and most likely pictures.  I can't stock resin as of shelf life.  I'll do prime coat only on repaired rudder.  Because of the construction of the '74 C&C rudder above it would do little or no good to drill holes to drain water.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I was at one time cerified for high pressure fiberglass piping, with vinyl ester resin.  Epoxy is a bit aggravating but I'll use it on this type repair as it is recommended.